Other Endorsement Options
- NS English as a Second Language (PK-12)
*Must be accompanied by a grade band endorsement
- TE Industrial and Technology Education (6-12)
- GQ Business, Management, Marketing, & Technology (6-12)
- NE Non-Endorsed
- MTTC Test: Guidance Meeting Required & Professional Knowledge & Skills subtest
- DA Biology (6-12)
*only offered for a limited time
- KH Family and Consumer Science (6-12)
- CC History (6-12)
*only offered for a limited time
- DP Physical Science (6-12)
*only offered for a limited time
- CD Political Science (6-12)
*only offered for a limited time
*This endorsement is being phased out. If you already passed the Elementary 103 MTTC test OR work in a self-contained 7th or 8th grade classroom, please reach out to info@professionalinnovatorsinteaching.org to schedule a meeting to discuss program options.
- ZG Elementary Education K-5 (K-8 self-contained)
Endorsements Not Yet Available at PIIT
*As MDE transitions to new endorsements we will update the website to reflect when these new endorsements are offered.
- BQ 5-9 English Language Arts
- EQ 5-9 Mathematics
- DQ 5-9 Science
- BQ 7-12 English Language Arts
- EQ 7-12 Mathematics
- DQ 7-12 Science
Endorsements not offered
- BD Speech
- SL Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- SV Autism Spectrum Disorder
- SK Visually Impaired
- CO Central Office School Administrator
- SM Learning Disabilities
- ND Library Media
- ZS Early Childhood Education
- ZN Early Childhood Birth-K
- ES Elementary and Secondary PK-12 School Admin
- BR Reading Specialist
- NT School Counselor
- SB Speech and Language Impaired