As schools work to meet the needs of EVERY student, we're here to talk about what might be a solution: individualized education and microschooling. What the heck is "microschooling"? We have some experts on hand to explain it. MAPSA President Dan Quisenberry is joined on this episode by regular co-host Bernita Bradley (who started a microschool called Engaged Detroit" and Kerry McDonald, a microschool founder and host of the LiberatED Podcast. They describe what this innovative approach is all about - and how other schools can learn from what they've discovered. Also joining the discussion is Autumn Mattson, the superintendent of Creative Technologies Academy in Cedar Springs.
Hosted by:
- Bernita Bradley of Detroit, the Parent Voice Director of the National Parent Union.
- Kayla Campbell, elementary educator and literacy specialist at Creative Technologies Academy, a charter school in Cedar Springs. (On break for this episode.)
- Julie Bucholtz, Academic Assessment Specialist at the Lake Superior State University Charter Schools office in Sault Ste. Marie.
- Dan Quisenberry, President of the Michigan Association of Public School Academies (MAPSA).
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