An angled picture of a map of the state of Michigan

Get the Facts

Charter schools are free, public, and open to all. 

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With 285 charter schools across the Mitten, they are an embedded part of Michigan’s public school system, and are free, public, and open to all that apply. No tuition fees or admissions tests here!

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Without increased funding, Michigan charter schools provide things like adult language classes, community resources & more to one of the nation’s most diverse student population with 76% economically disadvantaged and 50% African American, 10% LatinX, and 10% English Language Learners.

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Michigan was among the 10 states nationally that showed the best performance among charter schools in Stanford University’s CREDO third study. So charter schools are doing well nationally, and MICHIGAN charter schools are leading the way.

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That's up 5 points from 2020 (59% favorability). The unfavorable numbers are also dropping - only 22% of MI voters have an unfavorable opinion of charters, down from 25% in 2020.

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Eighty percent of charter school teachers are as motivated, or even more motivated, to teach today than when they first entered the profession according to a national survey of more than 1,200 public school teachers.

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We believe that K-12 education must continue elevating to meet the needs of modern learners. We hope the education of tomorrow is accessible, accountable, innovative & successful.


of charter students face socio-economic disadvantages & work to overcome odds


charter schools in Michigan serving over 150,000 students.


additional days a year of learning in reading, students gain at a charter school. 


The charter school basics



The charter school political narrative

Get the Latest Report

Michigan was among the 10 states nationally that showed the best performance among charter schools in Stanford University’s CREDO third study. Download the CREDO report to learn more about how public charter schools in Michigan are performing.
Download CREDO Data