For schools

Your school is doing amazing things for students - but you can't do it alone. We're your central source for locating quality school providers, sharing best practices and pointing you to relevant professional development opportunities.

Become a member

At MAPSA, we are dedicated to advancing the best interests of Michigan's charter schools. From fighting for more clasroom dollars, to advocating for increased educator autonomy, we utilize our strong Lansing relationships to make change happen. As a member charter school, you can help support that effort while also taking advantage of key benefits.

Charter FAQs

We know that schools deal with negative criticism and misinformation from parents and community members every day - but the facts speak for themselves. Use this information to help spread postive awareness.

Annual events

Get involved with other charter schools, educators and advocates during these key events.


Get key tips, tricks and how-to's on advocating for your school, marketing your competitive advantage and managing your social presence

Connect with quality providers

Whether you're looking for amazing food services, human resources support or a teacher certification program, our network of quality providers can help you find a lasting solution.


As leading experts in advocacy, organizing, marketing and school branding, we create relevant webinars that help advance the goals of your school.

Charter Connect

Get the latest news, info & innovations happening in Michigan's charter schools.