
The COVID-19 pandemic has rocked the education landscape - but our dedicated Michigan charter educators took the challenge head on, going above and beyond to reimagine instruction to best support students and families.

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Bridge Academy West

6th & 7th grade Social Studies teacher, Chad Okamoto, is known as the resident "goofball teacher" at Bridge Academy West. Check out his latest goofy adventure, a unique Youtube channel built to help students remember to smile, and escape from the reality of the pandemic.

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New Branches Charter Academy

For 7th & 8th grade Math and Social Studies teacher, Sam Berzins, mastering distance learning meant establishing some form of normalcy for her kiddos - virtually. See how she's translated her real classroom to an online classroom.

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Covenant House Academy East

Serving a student body with normal challenges ranging from homelessness, to transiency, to poverty and more - compounded with Detroit's significant COVID-19 impact, Covenant House Academy East Principal, Nate King, has served as an emotional support first, and an educator second. 

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Waterford Montessori Academy

Rich in Montessori practice, Waterford Montessori Academy wasn't exactly technology forward before the pandemic broke. But as distance learning took shape, 3rd & 4th grade Montessori teacher, Amy Dressler, stepped up to create a hands-on, wholesome learning community - entirely online. 

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JKL Bahweting Anishnabe PSA

Serving a student body spread geographically across a 20 mile radius way up in the U.P., the JKL team immediately faced a technology access challenge. For Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Carolyn Dale, overcoming that challenge was a full-scale, school-wide effort.

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MI charters #EmbracingTheChallenge!

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COVID-19 educator resources

Check out our Moving Forward with Purpose webinar series, where we connect charter educators with content experts to help reimagine instruction heading into a school year wrought with unknowns. 

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