Charter schools have unfortunately been a political issue for many people since the beginning, but it's only gotten worse. After four straight pro-charter presidents, we now have the first anti-charter president. Attacks are coming on the state and federal levels, and kids are getting caught in the middle. Charter school teachers are finding themselves avoiding any mention on social media that they work at a "charter school," lest they might open themselves up for criticism. How do we deal with this? And what questions should we be asking politicians in this election year? Our hosts have a no-holds-barred discussion.
Hosted by:
- Bernita Bradley of Detroit, the Parent Voice Director of the National Parent Union.
- Kayla Campbell, elementary educator and literacy specialist at Creative Technologies Academy, a charter school in Cedar Springs.
- Julie Bucholtz, Academic Assessment Specialist at the Lake Superior State University Charter Schools office in Sault Ste. Marie.
- Dan Quisenberry, President of the Michigan Association of Public School Academies (MAPSA).
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