Michigan Virtual

by MAPSA, on Jan 6, 2023 3:48:52 PM

Michigan Virtual is a nonprofit educational organization that is leading and collaborating to build learning environments for tomorrow. Driven by student success, we have a strong record of supporting Michigan education that spans more than two decades. While many know us for our research-based, quality online learning options for students and professional development for educators, we also do a great deal of work behind the scenes to conduct original research, test innovations in learning, and provide consulting partnerships to promote effective practices. Education is changing faster than ever.

Contact Person:
Thomas Soria
E-Mail Address: tsoria@michiganvirtual.org
920 Municipal Way
City: Lansing
State: MI
Postal Code: 48912
Service Areas:enrichment/curriculumconsulting serviceseducational service providerExtracurricular programs

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