LANSING, Michigan – The Michigan House voted 55-52 this afternoon to approve SB 574, which allows charter schools to share in revenues that are collected through regional enhancement millages in the future. The amended bill now heads back to the Senate for final approval before going to Gov. Rick Snyder for his signature.
Below is a statement on the passage of the legislation by Dan Quisenberry, President of the Michigan Association of Public School Academies (MAPSA), the state charter school association.
“This is a great day for students in Michigan,” Quisenberry said. “By approving this legislation, the House is affirming that charter school students should not be treated as second-class citizens by the state any longer. Charter schools are public schools, and charter school students are public school students, and they shouldn’t be valued less by the state. Money collected through regional enhancement millages should be available to every public school within its boundaries – charter schools included.
“With its vote today, the House has told every public school student in Michigan that they’re valued equally and should be treated equally when it comes to funding. This is a huge step forward for our state.”
These Providers on Press Releases
Michigan's Charter School Association
123 W Allegan, Ste 750
Lansing, MI 48933
Ph: (517) 374-9167
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