Gov. Gretchen Whitmer unveiled her FY 2023-24 budget last week and there were a lot of interesting K-12 line items in there. The budget includes a 5% per-pupil increase for most students, but it also includes a 20% cut for online charter school students - and only those students. Is that fair or justifiable? Does the budget target charter school students, and what else is in there? Special guest Alicia Urbain, MAPSA's VP of Governmental and Legal Affairs, is on hand to break down the budget for our hosts.
Hosted by:
- Bernita Bradley of Detroit, the Parent Voice Director of the National Parent Union.
- Kayla Campbell, elementary educator and literacy specialist at Creative Technologies Academy, a charter school in Cedar Springs.
- Julie Bucholtz, Academic Assessment Specialist at the Lake Superior State University Charter Schools office in Sault Ste. Marie.
- Dan Quisenberry, President of the Michigan Association of Public School Academies (MAPSA).
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