Episode 9- What Should Be the Democratic Legislature's Top Education Priorities?

Buddy Moorehouse
Feb 13, 2023 2:40:34 PM


For the first time in four decades, Democrats are in charge of all branches of Michigan's state government - and they're promising big changes in K-12 education. But with children reeling from three years of pandemic-interrupted learning loss, what should their REAL priorities be? Why is it bad policy to target charter school students and parents? As always, our hosts have a no-holds-barred discussion.

Hosted by:
  • Bernita Bradley of Detroit, the Parent Voice Director of the National Parent Union.
  • Kayla Campbell, elementary educator and literacy specialist at Creative Technologies Academy, a charter school in Cedar Springs.
  • Julie Bucholtz, Academic Assessment Specialist at the Lake Superior State University Charter Schools office in Sault Ste. Marie.
  • Dan Quisenberry, President of the Michigan Association of Public School Academies (MAPSA).

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