Episode 17 - Charter Schools and Politics (Recorded at the MAPSA Symposium)

Buddy Moorehouse
Feb 19, 2024 2:16:38 PM
Why have charter schools become a political litmus test for both parties, and what can charter school educators do to change the narrative? That's the topic of this no-holds-barred episode, which was recorded live in front of a standing-room-only audience at the Michigan Charter School Symposium in Troy, Michigan, on Dec. 6, 2023. Joining the panel are two former state legislators, Democrat Buzz Thomas of Detroit and Republican Daniela Garcia of Holland.
Hosted by: 
  • Bernita Bradley of Detroit, the Parent Voice Director of the National Parent Union.
  • Kayla Campbell, elementary educator and literacy specialist at Creative Technologies Academy, a charter school in Cedar Springs. (On break for this episode.)
  • Julie Bucholtz, Academic Assessment Specialist at the Lake Superior State University Charter Schools office in Sault Ste. Marie.
  • Dan Quisenberry, President of the Michigan Association of Public School Academies (MAPSA).
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